Q&A w/ Our Intern Olivia Wheeler

By Jillian Lawrence

What were the most valuable aspects of your intern experience?

I think coming from an acting standpoint and background. My  most valuable aspect of this internship was honestly gaining a lot more empathy for what you as the agents do. I used to be scared of agents before coming in here… 

*Big gaggle of laughter ensues*

Now I see you guys are really rooting for all your actors and talent. You have your bell that you ring and celebrate whenever a talent gets booked and that really made me excited to work in the future with agents.

 Also just working with talent/new talent/current talent made me definitely want to support them more and encourage them. Just learning what works in acting, what doesn’t, and what can be improved on. So, a big learning experience. 

Which aspects were the most challenging?

The most challenging aspect… was honestly I just did not want to mess anything up… Learning the ropes at first. I was kind of hesitant about that but you guys were very supportive. 

How has this internship contributed to your professional development?

Kind of going along with the first question. This has really contributed to my professional development, again, because I know the other side of working with an agency now from an actors standpoint. Also I think it has given me a lot more professionalism. I know how to talk to agents in a more technical sense… So taking away that fear of agents but also gaining more of that technical verbiage. 

What are some of your goals and aspirations moving forward? 

Awe, well I graduated this past May so almost a year ago! I studied musical theater performance and I think getting more off stage perspective from an agency makes me want to act more and perform more. I focused in college more on theater and stage performance… But after seeing you submit for commercials and seeing how Nora submits for things and Laurie with Print. I am definitely interested in all the departments now. I love that they are all very different but they all also have this great overlap. 

Working here has made me want to stay in Chicago a little longer. This is a great city. 

Any parting words?

I loved this, you guys are awesome. 

*copious amount of awes* 

You guys are so cool and I loved to work with you. I also loved the work too - it is so interesting. It has been a great time.

We are going to miss you Olivia! You have been a pleasure to work with and we can not wait to see the incredible places your career takes you! 

Best Wishes, 

The HamFam